Jenkins Job types

Jenkins is an open-source automation tool that allows users to build, test, and deploy software. It supports various job types, including:

  1. Freestyle: This is the most basic and common job type in Jenkins. It allows users to configure various options and settings for their build, test, and deploy processes.

  2. Pipeline: This job type allows users to define their build, test, and deploy processes as code using Jenkins' pipeline DSL (domain-specific language).

  3. Multi-configuration: This job type allows users to run the same build with different configurations.

  4. External Job: This job type allows users to run jobs outside of Jenkins, such as a script on a remote machine.

  5. Folder: This job type allows users to organize other Jenkins jobs into a single folder, making it easier to manage and maintain large numbers of jobs.

  6. Github organization: This job type allows users to automatically build and test pull requests and branches from a Github organization.

  7. Jenkinsfile: This job type allows users to define and execute their Jenkins pipeline in a Jenkinsfile.

These are just a few examples of the many job types available in Jenkins. Depending on the version you are using, you may have access to other job types as well.